Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Log Entry #4 It's About Time

Well, I finally did it. I bit the bullet. I jumped right in.....but I just hope it all works out.

I started doing commission work. And by just started I mean JUST got my first agreement and I am in the process of putting it all together. For so long, I have been terrified of trying to sell my work because of some flaws I need to build on in my skillset, but in the end, if I don't try it, i'll never know if I'll succeed. In fact, not doing anything at all or waiting forever to "Be ready" is surefire failure.

I don't know if I'll sell much, but I can sure as heck try! I'll never sell a thing if I don't market myself. If I don't believe in my work? How will anybody else?

Am I scared?

Uh, obviously.

Putting myself and my precious art out there in the wide world means facing rejection, getting hate, attracting conflict, struggling with marketing...but this is what I want. I am an artist and I want to succeed. I want to make money with my passion.

So I guess the point of all this is, (besides a self endorsement for commission work haha) is to encourage my readers to take the plunge and see what happens. It's what I'm doing. No, I'm not on the other side of it, no I haven't gotten any results yet, but I won't let that stop me from trying to be less afraid, and to actually try to do what I've have dreamed of for so long. If you are afraid of something that you want to do, try it. Just stand up and take the first step, see how it goes, and learn from it. Everyone has to. I'm right here beside you in this choppy weather of fear and self-doubt....we just have to brave the storm and see where the wind takes us.

After all, you can't walk on water if you never get out of the boat.


  1. Congrats on stepping out in faith. You can do this, you are very talented.

    One thing to remember, as an artist you have to get used to pieces that are not "perfect", at least to you. Most of the "flaws" you see won't even be noticed by anyone else. I struggled with this for several years, and still do from time to time. As long as the client is happy, you can be satisfied with that and perfecting your technique in each work of art you create.

    Best wishes for your career. One step at a time, one day at a time, success is at the end of road, but the fun part is the journey.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Bonnie, you have a lot of talent and courage to step out like this, and though sometimes it can be hard to start something new, not knowing exactly where it will lead or how it will turn out, I believe this is going to be a wonderful and exciting adventure for you. All the very best with your new endeavor!
